DeepFloyd IF
AI Tools

DeepFloyd IF

A new text-to-image model


DeepFloyd IF is a new text-to-image model that can generate realistic and high-resolution images based on natural language descriptions. It is developed by DeepFloyd Lab at StabilityAI, a multimodal AI research lab that focuses on creating novel and impactful applications of deep learning.

The model consists of three stages: a base model that generates a 64×64 pixel image from a text prompt, and two super-resolution models that upscale the image to 256×256 and 1024×1024 pixels respectively. The model uses a frozen text encoder based on the T5 transformer to extract text embeddings, which are then fed into a UNet architecture enhanced with cross-attention and attention pooling. The model leverages pixel diffusion, a technique that models the image generation process as a Markov chain that starts from pure noise and gradually refines the image until it matches the text prompt.

DeepFloyd IF

DeepFloyd IF achieves state-of-the-art results on text-to-image synthesis, surpassing previous models such as DALL-E and VQGAN-CLIP. It achieves a zero-shot FID score of 6.66 on the COCO dataset, which measures the quality and diversity of the generated images. The model can also handle complex and diverse text prompts, such as describing scenes, objects, emotions, styles, and even dreams.

The model is available as an open-source library on GitHub and PyPI, as well as integrated with the Hugging Face Diffusers library, which allows users to customize and inspect the image generation process. The model is released under a non-commercial, research-permissible license that requires users to accept its usage conditions on the Hugging Face Hub. The model also comes with several notebooks that demonstrate its capabilities in different modes, such as dream mode, style transfer mode, super resolution mode, and inpainting mode.

DeepFloyd IF is a remarkable achievement in text-to-image synthesis that showcases the potential of pixel diffusion models and larger UNet architectures. It also demonstrates the power of deep language understanding in generating photorealistic images that match the text prompts. DeepFloyd IF is a valuable resource for researchers and enthusiasts who want to explore the exciting field of multimodal AI.



